Welcome to my website. My name is Emanuele Zappala and I am currently an Assistant Professor (tenure-track) in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Idaho State University. I have been an Associate Research Scientist (ladder-track faculty) and a Postdoc at Yale University. Before that, my research was funded by the Estonian Research Council through the Mobilitas Pluss scheme, research grant number MOBJD679 (with host institution the University of Tartu, in Estonia). During this period I have collaborated with Viktor Abramov. I have been research fellow at the University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor, during my last year of Ph.D. and in the subsequent months. I have completed my Ph.D. in mathematics (in May 2020) under the supervision of M. Elhamdadi and M. Saito at the University of South Florida, in Tampa, Florida. Before my doctoral studies, I have completed an M.Sc. (in mathematics) at the University of Glasgow, in the UK, a Graduate Diploma (in mathematics) at King’s College London, in the UK, and a B.Sc. (in physics) at the University of Catania, in Italy.
My main research interests lie in pure and applied mathematics, and include various topics in machine learning, algebra, topology, and theoretical and computational physics. More specifi cally, I am interested in quantum algebra/topology, cocycle invariants of knots and manifolds, and Yang-Baxter operators and their cohomology. I also work in (quantum) machine learning and physics, where my interests revolve around integral equations and iterative methods in operator learning, as well as algebraic approaches to physics.
My PhD dissertation: Non-Associative Algebraic Structures in Knot Theory (2020). Graduate Theses and Dissertations, University of South Florida, https://scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd/8096.
Here is a (usually updated) CV. You can find a list of my articles and preprints here. My articles can also be found on Google Scholar.
Email: emanuelezappala@isu.edu.
Previous emails: emanuele.zappala@yale.edu (inactive), zae@usf.edu(inactive),emanuele.amedeo.zappala@ut.ee (inactive), zemanuel@umich.edu (inactive).
Previous webpage (not supervised anymore): https://eazappala.com/.
The Alexander Horned Sphere (taken from Wikipedia).
This is me.